The Annual Expedition to the Sinharaja Rain forest which was organized by Gold Troop was held on the 19th of September 2009. The main objective of the expedition was to give the Scouts a first hand experience of the Out door life.

42 Junior Scouts, 7 Instructors, 7 Assistant Scout Leaders & Mr.U.Jayasekara joined the expedition. The expedition began from the “Kudawa” Conservation centre. The main focus of the expedition was to visit the Mulawella Mountain, the Giant “Nawada” tree & to study the vast Bio diversity of the much renowned rain forest.

The gloomy weather & the rain added the extra roughness to the expedition. Within the process Lunch as well as the other requirements were supplied by the Instructors of the troop. The duration of the expedition was approximately 7 hours.
The Instructors of the Gold troop wish to thank everyone who helped make this project a successful one.

Categories: Scouting

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